Monday 18 April 2016

Together Liverpool - April 2016 Newsletter

From our colleagues in Liverpool... though there are issues and events relevant to Lancashire
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 10:45 AM
Subject: April 2016 Newsletter

Newsletter April 2016


In this issue

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Welcoming The Stranger

Last month Together Liverpool  were delighted to partner up with the Archdiocese, Hope + and Churches Together in the Merseyside Region to launch the booklet we had prepared together  to help Christians and others meet their obligations to the increasing number of asylum seekers being housed in the region.

There is so much misunderstanding about this issue and the book seeks to dispel myths and really tell it like it is about the issues faced by the unfortunate people who have had to flee their homes and countries to seek sanctuary here in Britain.

We have also included comments and prayers from Christian leaders that could be a useful resource but more than anything we want to stress that these people each have a unique story and many gifts to share with our communities

We are attempting to get copies to every church in the region and to share its contents to help people find out the truth and hopefully volunteer to help with their settlement.

If you need copies contact us and we can arrange for you to pick them up.

Following this up Together Liverpool are planning a number of seminars for Church Leaders to discuss this issue and facilitate community engagement and settlement of newcomers. Watch This space!!

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Feeding Manchester Event

Do you share a vision of a Britain in which everyone has access to good food and no one need go to bed hungry?

Do you think that children should be able to live free from the damaging impacts of hunger on their health, attainment and opportunity?

Then Attend FEEDING MANCHESTER on Monday 25 April
2.30pm – 5.00pm
Location:  Bridge 5 Mill, M4 7HR

Get Your Grant Applications In!

Many of us depend on grants for our work in the Voluntary Community and Faith and Social Enterprise Sectors this is especially true as Local Authorities have had their budget's cut massively and cannot contribute as they used to. In fact the whole of that sector has been largely ignored and misunderstood by Government rearrangements nationally and locally.

Together Liverpool and our VCFSE partners across the region  offer help and support for projects seeking to tackle the issues and charitable trusts are focussing funds towards the areas of greatest need.

In their latest bulletin Liverpool Diocese encourages summer play schemes and other programmes to get their funding bids in to suitable charities:

Don't forget our Together Grants Programme which is available through our team for work specifically targeting poverty in our communities! Click Here for details and links.

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A Civilised Society - Mental Health Provision for asylum-seekers in England & Wales

Restrictive policies on healthcare, education, accommodation, welfare support and employment are functioning to socially exclude and marginalise refugees and asylum-seekers, both exacerbating existing mental health problems and causing mental distress.

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World Refugee Day

Welcome to Britain? Refugees, Then and Now,
in memory of Eleanor Rathbone, 1872-1946
the 'MP for Refugees.'


King's College, London. Strand Campus.
9.00 am– 5.00 pm

TICKETS:  £20.00 (includes all refreshments and a sandwich lunch).

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Be The Change! Regional Asylum Activism

As the Immigration Bill returns to the House of Commons on the 25th April, we're asking you again to take action and get in touch with MPs to call on them to support two key amendments to the Bill that were successful in the House of Lords.

Latest News

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CUF Credit Champions Lent Appeal Success

Church Urban Fund's Lent Appeal for 2016 included a case study from the Liverpool Church Credit Champions pilot.

The appeal proved to be one of their most successful ever raising over £4000 which will go to help even more people nationally to escape from poverty.

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The Credit Safety Net

The Credit Safety Net is an excellent report produced by the Step Change debt charity.  It shows how millions of families across Britain are using credit to fund everyday living costs, thus exposing themselves to the risk of problem debt.

The charity conducted research using YouGov PLC which focussed in on people who had:

  • Borrowed a least occasionally in the last year to meet essential expenditure
  • Would find it difficult to raise £200-£300 in an emergency without borrowing
  • Would find it difficult to save £500 for a special purpose

The report recommends wider access to debt advice, increased availability of affordable credit, and help to enable people on low incomes to build up savings in order to build financial resilience.

Or to find out more about the financial resilience work going on in your area please contact

Julia Webster
Church Credit Champions Coordinator
Tel: 01517052194 or
Email: Julia Webster

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Credit Union Awareness Appeal

Church Credit Champions are hoping to make the month of June Credit Union Awareness month

Along with our colleagues in London and Southwark we will be encouraging local churches to open 'pop-up shops' for their local credit unions in church after the main service to give out information and encourage people to join. 

As you will appreciate local credit unions won't have enough staff to man each pop up so we are hoping that volunteers from each participating church will help out – awareness training will be available and will only take about 1 hour of your time.

Research shows that more than 60% of the population have less than one week's salary in savings, little wonder then that so many are finding themselves in serious debt.

If your church would like to participate, Please contact Julia Webster

Next Month: CUF's Rebranded Newsletter Layout, New Together Liverpool Training Packages


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